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9 Years

Wow I can not believe it! 9 years ago today The Hubster and I walked down the isle. Time sure does fly! We have been on a whirl wind ride and mostly it has been good but by the grace of God we have even made it thru the rough times. I won't bore ya'll with the sappy details but if ya visit often you will notice a song list change. It is in honor of this special day. Ain't Going Down is a song that ALWAYS came on the radio EVERY time we were in the car together while dating. We use to sing to it to see who could make it the furthest before messing up. Come Grow Old With Me was the song played at our wedding and well we both love Remember When. It is just a beautiful song! It came out when I was prego with Oldest and just has stuck for us.
So now on the fun part I know ya'll are waiting for.

I am not computer literate enough to know how to scan in pics so this is all I got. This pic is from our wedding day. It was taken with a dsiposable camera by my 11 year old nephew and is my fave picture from that day even in all of its crooked slightly unfocused glory! I am sure The Nana and Papa would have loved if we did without a real photographer and just used disposable all around! HA!;)

Here is a pic from our Honeymoon in Maui. We were hoping to go back next year for our 10 year but not so sure now. There are so many beautiful places we would like to visit and take the boys to so who knows.

And here we are today. This pic is just awful of me but it is a good one of The Hubster so here it is! Just maybe he won't protest! Ha!

And this is a pic of a present we received from The Hubster's Uncle Billy and Aunt Romona on our wedding day. It is a $50 bill folded up and placed in the frame. We have kept it that way for 9 years now. When we received it we planned to not spend it till 10 years. 9 down and one more to go! Hmmm, maybe it can go towards a trip to Hawaii! Ha!;)
Later, ya'll! Off to hunt down some Episome salt. Littliest is having an Eczema attack ! Calgon take me away!

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Write by: AN - Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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