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$10 Master Bedroom Make Over

This is what Littliest and I worked on today. Trust me when I say moving a king size bed by yourself with instruction from a 5 yr old is no easy feat but I got it done!:) Also let me say that you need to ALWAYS check the reconstruction of your furniture after the movers put it back together. One foot of the bed was not even screwed on!!

If you remember back in November I was soo excited because I had finally found the color I wanted for our bedroom. The green was the IT color!

Well we were at Lowes a few weekends ago and what did my wondering eyes spy? There was not one but TWO gallons of this Oops paint at just $5 a gallon. (Yes, mom I know YAWN.) I bought it and thought maybe master bedroom but again I was still digging the green. Then I got to thinking that with the green I would be pretty much limited on decor and bedding. I googled French Country pics and what I was finding was that most of the rooms were very neutral and added color with linens and other decor to achieve the French Country look. So I decided to give it a try. 

View into master bedroom before we moved in.

View back in November. SCARY I know!

The view today! I know I know it is a very subtle change but I promise you it made a world of difference!
Here is a pic I took this evening after it got dark. You can kinda see the warming effect it has in the room.
Pic taken before we moved in.

Another pic from back in November. Trust me I still love the green but I just could not pass up $5 a gallon paint.

Pic taken this afternoon. Pardon the closed bathroom doors. I was in the process of sorting laundry and thought I would spare y'all. As you can see I still have two places I need to finish up. I was not brave enough to climb the 8 ft ladder without The Hubster here to watch me fall! :) That and I was not able to move the long dresser and t.v. by myself and well I did not want a repeat of what happened to my sewing room cabinet! Thankfully The Papa was able to put that leg back on. Thanx again Papa!

Here is my lil' corner of the world. I am thinking of finding a table of sorts with room to put baskets underneath to store my extra pillows and blanket and to cover up the outlet there.

Here is The Hubster's corner and I am seriously thinking we need larger lamps but then I was thinking maybe just new shades. What cha think?? The iron pieces went over our bed at the last house but I may hang them here at a diagonal. 

If I use the iron pieces by the side tables than I am left with what to do over the bed. Hmmm, what to do? I am very excited to finally be able to accessorize our bedroom! I was giddy when I hung the mirror on the wall today!:)
Off to pin our sheets back up so we can go to sleep tonight and fold some clothes. Not very exciting for a Friday night but I wouldn't change it for anything! Okay, that was a lie. I would love to have a folding fairy and I can't wait till we have blinds and real window treatments but I think ya got what I ment!;)
Have a good one!

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Write by: AN - Friday, April 8, 2011

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