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More Changes

I started this week off by telling y'all abt changes in our life around here at FMFPTY. You  must be wondering what else on earth could they possibly have changed, or maybe not but there is more!;)

This is Ruby Sue and she is The Hubster's dream truck!! We purchased Ruby Sue abt 14 months ago after The Hubster's Equinox started acting up which was right around the time it was paid for. Funny how that always seems to happen to us. With the cost of repairs it would have needed we just decided to trade it in. Ruby Sue was a Demo. The owner drove her for abt 6 months and than sat her on the show room floor where she quickly caught our eye. We got an awesome deal on her and have been very pleased having her in our family. Ohhh the junk I could bring home in her!! Well The Hubster starting driving everywhere across the city totaling 500 miles a week and Ruby was costing over $100 in gas each week. You can add it up. It was painful to watch our hard earn money being thrown away like that. Last week after an almost $120 fill up we decided that was enough. No longer could we take it.
 Though the decision was a hard one it was also a fairly easy one. Ruby Sue was gonna be traded! The Hubster started negotiations the very next day on a Ford Focus hatchback. They were gonna have to order it. Clincher was that they wanted Ruby Sue and to give us a loaner till the Focus came in. Sounded to good to be true and since I see the glass half empty I made The Hubster go and sit in several other cars last Friday before I would agree to him ordering the Focus. He sat in several and for us all we have to do is sit in something and we know yes or no. 

Let me tell ya when we pulled up to The Kia lot I knew exactly what The Hubster was gonna be driving. This is Roxy! She came home last Saturday and everybody LOVES her. She is the turbo addition Optima and has a ton of zoom zoom as The Hubster likes to say!;) After trying to get the first dealer to come off the price we made a deal with another dealer on the phone who was wayyyy across town. In the end though it was worth the drive.
So how does this change really effect our lives? Well we really got a two for one benefit. Gas should save us approx $250  though I think really $200 and then we were able to trim our monthly payment down as well! Now we can start on those Christmas and Vacation savings accounts we have been talking abt doing for years. We will miss Ruby Sue greatly but eventually we are gonna add a hitch to Lucy and get a fold able trailer and then I can start junking again!:) Trust me I have already been going thru with drawl this week!:)
Point of this story was not that we got a shiny new car but that just simple changes can make a world of difference in your life!  You  may not want to make those changes but in the end those changes really are for the best! It was a lesson we certainly needed to learn ourselves.

Before I go I want to send a shout out to Kim over at Savvy Southern Style! I contacted Kim about her fabulous antique scales and asked her if she would kindly take a few pics and let me use them for my new linky party button and she agreed! You rock Kim!! Thanx sooo much! The new button is on my sidebar. I have not yet figured out how to get the html code at the bottom because I got frustrated with it but at least the button is there.

Thanx for stopping by to visit and have a wonderful weekend!

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Write by: AN - Friday, May 20, 2011

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