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New Paint & A Reveal!

Here is the new guest room in all of it's Antique White glory! I am in love with the new color in here. Though I liked the cottage blue that use to be in here Antique White makes the space so much brighter and airy. The red headboard is out in the garage waiting for it's transformation. I can not decide if I want to strip it or go the easy route and put some Kiltz over it all. With the room being painted I can now focus on the fun part which is adding all the things I have been purchasing over the last few months for this space! The largest of those purchases is over there in the corner. Yep, that is the armoire that The Hubster bought me back in August for our anniversary. It is finally completed and so happy to be in it's new space! Come on and take a closer look.

Picture this piece as a late 1970's early 80's creamy and gold armoire. I could have left it that way. Honestly it was not that bad but if you know me I just could not hold myself back. It screamed "Paint Me!". So paint it I did. I used my beloved chalk paint in Chateau Gray and Old White. I toned the grey down with equal parts of Old White. 

I used clear wax and then dark wax to add definition to the piece. It was the first large piece that I have ever waxed and honestly next time I will do less dark.

I just love the curvy lines this piece has! 

I kept the original hardware because honestly anything else would have taken away from the piece. I did however  use some Old White on the hardware and then sanded a tad off to make them look old and worn.

Here is the inside! I am in the middle of making some panels for the doors and was going to wait till I was done for the reveal but HobLob was out of the material I am using. I have one door panel done so I figured I can just do another post once I finally have both completed.

This will be the perfect place to house a t.v. for our guests. Thankfully we will not have to wait long to get one because The Nana & The Papa just upgraded their bedroom t.v. to a larger one and so their old but pretty new t.v. will be coming to our house! Thank you Nana & Papa!

 Not sure if you remember but I had attempted to transfer some really awesome numbers onto the drawers but it did not go well at all and so I resorted to ordering these adorable antiqued number cards from an Etsy Shop. Even better I think because if I ever decide I am done with the numbers I can just take um off and not have to repaint the drawers again.

I lined the drawers with this beautiful swirly paper but I am debating on whether or not to replace it with old book pages or script paper. Not sure though.

So there have it! The whole reason the guest bedroom was repainted was just for this armoire!:) I am tickled with how it turned out. I have never painted a piece as large as this before so it was a little intimidating. Thankfully all went well though.
Hope all is grand and thanx for stopping by!

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Write by: AN - Tuesday, September 27, 2011

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