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Guest Bath Mini Remodel

We interrupt the current holiday blog posts to bring you breaking news on our guest bathroom!
Not sure if y'all remember or not back in the spring when we decided to rip out our carpet and old wood flooring in our main areas of the house? Well that was the exact same time we noticed a leak under the sink in our guest bath. It was a teeny tiny drip caused from changing out to a cute new faucet. Well that cute new faucet caused major headache because well we did not catch on to the teeny tiny drip until almost two months later causing the MDF inside the cabinet to bubble up. 
The Hubster attempted to just cut out the bottom and the back of the cabinet to replace the MDF boards to no avail. We ended  up having to take the entire cabinet out counter top and all. 
This is where it sits now till trash day. We are going to sell the marble counter top to help off set the cost of a new vanity and faucet.
Thankfully all went well and there were no surprises waiting for us behind the cabinet!! We had fears of mold  every where and were holding our breathe but thank the Lord we were clear! Tear out took approx an hour which was not bad.
Next we headed to Lowes since we had a 10% off coupon.
 I found this gorgeous vanity.
And then this one! This one was in the lead and we were going to buy it but the gal who was working that department did not think we were important enough to stop what she was doing and assist us. So after being slightly irked we decided to head to HomeDepot just to see what they had in stock and to compare prices.

On the way there I remembered that Kirklands sometimes has some pretty vanities so The Hubster stopped to let me look seeing as HomeDepot and Kirklands are in the same shopping strip.
 Wow! Luck was on our side again because I found this vanity there and it was half off!! Of course I had to look all around it to make sure it was okay and it was so  out came my $10 off coupon and away we went only spending $250! Now that is a far cry from the $419 for the one at Lowes were looking at.
Of course we immediately had to head home to see how it would fit in the space. This is a tiny bathroom!
Thankfully it fit just fine and actually is not as deep so it gives us two more inches when we walk in there which makes a world of difference! Ya no longer feel like the room is closing in on ya. It also seems that it will give our guest more counter space as well which is another major plus! There was next to none on the old counter top.
Now after getting it into the space we realized the coloring was just way off! It was far to yellow. 
So out into the kitchen it came! I know I can hear gasps everywhere right now!;)
Here is where I am at now! Can you believe The Hubster did not even bat an eyelash at me painting a brand new piece of furniture!!?? He actually thought that I was going to paint the ones at Lowes too which I was not but funny that he was okay with that! I guess he really does get me after all!;)
Now that I am almost done with the vanity I still have to texture portions of the bathroom walls, paint, find a new faucet, and figure out what we will be doing with this situation. See I HATE this tile. It is just awful in my eyes and well whomever painted the bathroom to begin with spilled paint all in the grout everywhere and it never came out so it always looks dirty. The Hubster and I are trying to decided on how we need to fix this hole in the tile that the old cabinet covered up. He wants to rip out the baseboard board behind the toilet and then try cuting out the four tiles that were cut into and replace them. I just see tons of work and we need this room done like yesterday since The Nana & The Papa will be here in just a few short weeks. I think we should try and cut the skinny pieces out there on the side and then cut a piece to match up to the tile closet to the toilet and then all the rest of the new tiles will fall in the correct line. He says it will look bad. I say nobody will notice because it is mostly under the sink anyways. That and the fact that I want to eventually rip out the flooring anyways!
I have dreams of flooring like this in there!! So the debate rages on on what we should do. I am afraid if we go and take out those two big tiles it may crack the others and then we HAVE to redo the floor and there is just no time for that right now. Stay tuned to see what we actually end up doing!

Off to wax one vanity and to start prepping the bathroom for paint!

Have a good one y'all!

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Metamorphosis Monday
Amaze Me Monday
Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Power of Paint Party

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Write by: AN - Monday, December 12, 2011

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