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Keeping Busy

Hey y'all! Sorry I have been pretty much MIA lately. To be honest I have been in a blogging funk lately. I have not felt as if I have anything inspiring or interesting to share. Do y'all go thru those times as well? I have been blogging for almost four years now altogether so it stands to reason.

To be honest I have just been in a funk over everything really. I am trying to get out of it though and be inspired again. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I have no idea if we are moving or staying come summer time. I hate the unknown! As a result I just have not been into doing much of anything and questioning if I should even be doing anything. And to top that off The Hubster has been working 16-18 hr days thus we only get to see him for maybe an hour or so a day. He has not been sleeping well either since he caught cold which means I have not been falling asleep till after 2 am so that makes for a not so spriteful mama. We were super excited though that we got to spend all day today with him. He has been working weekends too!:( Please don't take it as me complaining because I am not. We are very thankful he has such a wonderful job and that we do know he will be home every night! It just is tough thats all.

So with all that said I am TRYING really hard to get out of my funk. To do this I have been hunting down my next furniture piece to make over but so far nothing. I have very high standards so that makes it a tad tougher to find just the right piece. Last week was a semi decent week though on the furniture hunt.

I went to go and look at a bench a lady had for sale and it ends up she is getting ready to move out of state and was selling a ton of her stuff. I purchased the bench which I will share in another post and then this here chair. Yes, I know I already have two other chairs to conquer and another one waiting for the finishing touch but this one is an easy redo to hold my customers over till I can get the more extensive ones redone. Oh and just wait to see what else she agreed to sell me! I was super excited even though I spent most of the money I made off of Antoinette. That is the way it goes though.

In between bargain hunting I managed to get a few new chalk boards made to take out to the cottage. This is one of the larger ones.

I can't make these fast enough and have actually tried finding out how to order frames wholesale but no such luck yet.

So there ya have it. Nothing all that exciting but I am here and I am trying. Hope your weekend was a grand one!

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Write by: AN - Sunday, February 19, 2012

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