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Treasure Hunt Thursday #89

Welcome to THT #89! It is actually 1:30 in the morning but I figured since I was still wide awake I would go ahead and get the party post ready. I am in the middle of painting the laundry room. I was hoping to get it completed in one session but it is rainy and humid so the paint is not drying fast enough!:(
Thanx to everybody who joined the party last week! I look forward to seeing party goers coming back now that the holidays are over and we are all making every thing look new and fresh.
Here are my top picks from last weeks party!
Lisa over at Fern Creek Cottage made over her large tins and they look fabulous! They are inspiring me to make over my small ones.

I just love love love this table Susan from Uniquely Yours or Mine made out of old sewing machines for her kids game room!
Jennifer over at Decorated Chaos shared how to make your very own frenchy bee artwork! 
I thought this silverware pot rack that Crystelle over at Crystelle Boutique was super fun!

If you have been featured please feel free to grab the "I have been featured" button to proudly display on your sidebar!:)

Now on to this weeks party!
What would be a HUGE help and encourage more comments not just from me but others as well would be for everybody to take off their required verification codes for leaving a comment. This seems to take just a few seconds of time but when you have to do it on 30 or more blogs it takes up a TON of time. Last week most everybody had turned off their Word Verification which made it so much easier for me to stop by everybody's links! Thank you!

Now on to this weeks party! 
As with all parties there are the normal rules. You must link back to From My Front Porch To Yours in your THT POST. Just common courtesy. If ya don't link back ya don't get to party. Only link up to your Treasure Hunt Thursday post and NOT your blog homepage. Please No advertising and PLEASE NO MORE than 3 links from the SAME party goer. Also NO MORE linking up to your own link parties. I am seeing more and more link ups of just people promoting their own linky parties. I know it takes time to go back and make a separate post to join the party but it is just the polite thing to do. If you find your post deleted it is not because I am a meany, I just have to make sure the rules are being followed. You can save some of your posts for the following weeks party!Please only link up new posts and not posts that you linked up the week before.

Also be sure to visit at least the link before you and after you to just say Hi! It makes partying all the more fun and remember if your link has had the most visits you will get featured on Tuesdays! If you are new around here I would love it if ya become a follower!:)

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Write by: AN - Thursday, January 10, 2013

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