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What's happening?

Hey y'all! Hope your week is starting off well. The weather here is crazy. It needs to pick a temp and stick with it. Over the weekend we got down to 38 at night and today we will be 83 during the day! No wonder my boys are always running around with snot noses. Been busy working on the kitchen island! I am soo excited to be almost done with it. I spent the morning finishing up the glazing process.  I even put the doors back on and brought the new top in from the garage and sat it on top of the one that is already one it. I  just had to see it all together!:)  It will be a few more weeks till it is 100% done though with Thanksgiving and all coming up. The Hubster and I still need to figure out what we are going to do about a nail gun which we need so we can  put trim at the bottom of the island. I am wanting to just borrow one and he wants to purchase one. Urgh!

While we decided what to do about that look at my next project! I was soo aggravated yesterday at the seller that it almost did not happen. They live 20 min away and I went to look at it in the am after dropping Littliest off at school yesterday. It needs some work for sure and so I offered them just $10 less than what they were asking. The husband said no. So I respected that decision though I thought it was ridiculous seeing as it does need some repair and new knobs. Just before time to get Littlliest the wife emails me and says she will take the $60 I offered. I emailed her back not even 10 min after she emailed me and said I would be back up there around 4ish after I picked my boys up from school. I checked my email on my phone after getting Littliest and since she had not responded I called her. She proceeded to tell me that right after she emailed me she got an email offering full price. Hmmmm. I was not biting and told her to do what she felt she needed to do all the while thinking what poor business practice this was seeing as they are a top sellers on the yard sale site. To make a long story short I got it for my offer price. It was a bit more than I think it is actually worth but it was EXACTLY what I was looking for  so I was willing to pay that. Can you guess where it might be going!? I will give you a hint: I had to kick the cats up stairs to make room for it. I am thinking yellow may be in it's near future!:) Also thinking of hunting down some vintage casters to make it a bit taller.
Off to make Littliest some lunch. Have a good one y'all!

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Write by: AN - Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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