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Changes-New Linky Party

There have been a lot of changes around here this year thus far. No worries though they are all only good changes! I have been debating on whether to share with y'all one change that is still in progress or if I wanted to share it once it is completed. This project actually will never be fully completed and since we have not been able to complete any of our home projects due to The Hubster's busy work schedule I thought now was as good of a time as any to share this  work in progress.

If you have been a bloggy pal for some time now you may remember last year, Feb to be exact I started my adventure of Nutrisystem. I was soo excited and after almost two months I lost 12 pounds. Great sure but for over $300 and having to fix my family differ meals than myself and not being able to eat out I gave it up.

This is what my cabinet looks like today. Every now and then I will make something from it but to be honest most of it will be getting chunked soon. 

This is me last October. Sadly enough that 12 pounds came back in full force.

This is me at the beginning of January with more than just 12 extra pounds than what I started with. I was mortified when my clothes were feeling tighter and the scale said I weighed almost what I weighed at the end of my pregnancy with Oldest 7 years ago!!! Life happened and I always had other crazy thoughts and memories running around in my head that kept me from ever loosing this weight.

Well this is me last week and 35 pounds lighter!!
How did I do it you may be asking? Well not only had I had enough but The Hubster had had enough as well so once January 1st came around we BOTH made up our minds to just DO IT and to NOT let ANYTHING get in our way! We had to forget about all of the negativity from the past.... like being told I was never going to fit in my wedding dress even if the shop altered it.... and keep our goals in sight. We are doing this together and let me tell you it makes a HUGE difference!! The Hubster has lost over 80 pounds and I am sooo very very proud of him!!!

There have been many times in the past when I have been successful at a little weight loss but nothing this monumental. Though I was trying to change, our family dynamic had not. We still focused on eating out as our fave family activity. Now life is different.

We are NOT spending hundreds of dollars on diet programs or gym memberships. We have NOT given up our fave foods. What we have done is taught ourselves portion control and to look at the calories on every thing we eat. I no longer forgo eating during the day and then decide at 10:30 at night I am famished. I MAKE myself eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner now and no more snacking after dinner. Well almost not any more. I have had a 70 calorie fruit pop or some popcorn from time to time. Just not every night.

We have given up on eating out all the time which is good for the waist line and good for our budget! We LOVE TexMex and use to eat it at least once a week. We gave it up for almost three months but once  we reached our 100 pound combined weight loss we celebrated with our fave TexMex! We did not order our own meals but instead shared just one meal. We no longer eat thru 3 baskets of chips but just one and break the chips up to make them last longer. It makes a world of difference!!

We were walking every day/night at least 3.5 miles. I will admit that once we started on the flooring we have let that lapse and will be picking it back up ASAP! Trust though when I say laying your own flooring is a HUGE workout. As for working out we have only been walking and bike riding and we do it as a family. I know in the not to far off future we will need to add in more exercise sessions but for now this is what is working for us.

We have not given up our fave foods but just eat them in moderation and at the right times of day. Our goal is to keep it REAL. It is not real to say we will never have a diet coke again! It is not real to say we will never have cheese dip again! It is not real to say we will never have pasta again! We have all of these things still but in moderation. Instead of a hamburger we have lean Bubba Burgers. Instead of regular pasta sauce I buy the reduced fat though you do have to pay attention to the calorie intake and sodium. Sometimes reduced fat is not all it is cracked up to be. Instead it may just be best to measure out the portion of sauce you are suppose to be having.

Now yes, if we were exercising more regularly and eating a far more restricted diet the weight would come off quicker but see we have done that before and just packed it right back on. Our focus is to loose the weight and to be able to maintain it! Not saying this will work for anybody else but it is working for us.

We both have always been fluffy people. Never have I been called skinny and I doubt I ever will be called skinny and ya know that is aokay with me! Our goal is to be healthy!! We want to be around to see our children grow up and to play with our grand children. We want to be around to celebrate not only our 10 year anniversary but our 30th as well! We both are in our early to mid 30s and it will only be harder to get the weight off the older we get. So NOW is the time!

 I share this not in hopes of getting kuddos but in hopes of maybe inspiring somebody else out there. Yes, it seems like a daunting task but really it is SOOOO easy when you think about it. It is all about having a buddy and having self control. 

If you are fighting weight loss like we are grab a friend and just get out walking! Clean out the pantry and only buy healthy stuff! It really is not all that expensive! I can not tell you how long it has been since we have had a regular potato chip. Instead we buy baked and a bag last an entire two weeks and not just  two days! We do not purchase items that will tempt us. If it is not in the house we will not eat it. It is that simple.

Today I  am  starting a linky party called Weigh In Wednesdays. If there is anybody else out there who wants to buddy up and share what works for them or share your frustrations about  loosing weight or fave healthy recipes or shout from the roof tops you have lost weight than this will be the linky party for you! Whether you need to loose just 5 pounds or 100 or more please come and stop by and lets loose this weight together!!

If you link up please be kind enough to link only to your Weigh In Wednesdays post and NOT your entire blog. I look forward to hearing about other weight loss journeys the good the bad and the ugly! Nobody is here to be judged just to be supported so lets have some fun and start sharing and loosing y'all!

 P.s I am joining Kim over at Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays!
Linking up to Inspiration Fridays over at The Picket Fence!

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Write by: AN - Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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