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Bed Skirt On a Budget

Hope the week started off well for everybody! The boys were home sick today (Monday)!:( We were up all night with coughing and congestion. No fun but thankfully we were able to get in and see the doc. Nothing major just our twice yearly crude we deal with. To say least I was plum wore out by this afternoon when we got home. I was ready for a nap but knew that was a bad idea so I made myself finish up yet another project for the guest room. 

Since I was redoing the bedding in the guest room I was needing an 18 inch long bed skirt. All the ones I was finding were way out of my budget so I decided to make one instead! I found this fabulous faux linen like fabric at HobLob which was just $3.99 a yard and I had a 40% off coupon so this project was definitely in my price range.

The bed skirt was actually a bit of a challenge for me one because I had never sewn anything this large before and two because I do not own a ruffler. I had made one side which took forever!! Then I attempted the second side and the thread kept breaking half way thru. I was ready to give up but thankfully the ladies on my  FB page chimed in with some helpful hints on how I could make my ruffles without pulling the rest of my hair out! I ended up using dental floss to create the ruffles and it worked fabulously! ( Thanx Mandy!) I was also told fishing lure would work well too! I basically just used the previous bed skirt as my pattern for how long my ruffle should be width wise. 

I had two sides completed so today instead of napping I finished up the last side and then pinned the sides on to the box spring. Yes, you read that correctly!:) I just pinned the panels on the box spring so I did cheat a tad but you would never know unless I told you.

I just love Osnaburg fabric because it has a faux linen quality to it and the frayed edges to me just add to its allure. Ms. Pat at the cutting table thought I was crazy when I mentioned what I was doing with it. She had never heard of such a thing!:) To be honest I really have no idea what this fab is used for.

I just love how this layer of the guest room turned out though! If I had purchased a bed skirt similar to this in queen size it would have been well over $100 and I made it for less than $40!

Next up the rest of the bedding and then...

to finish this mess up!! What on earth was I thinking!!??

I spent the entire day Sunday trying to strip the headboard. I was going mad to say the least! My original idea was to strip it and then use steel wool on it soaked in Apple Vinegar to give it a natural aged look. I had high hopes! Now though since I have put the new bedding on the bed and have seen the entire look pulled together I should have just taken the easy way out and primed over the red and repainted it!! So  now I am left to clean up the mess I made for myself and if anybody has any tips on how to make my life easier on this project they would be much appreciated!!

Thanx for stopping by and stay tuned for even more guest room progress!

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Write by: AN - Monday, October 3, 2011

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