Obama Furniture is New Furniture and Best Design for your HOME and Office.

Recent Score!

Look what I found on the local yard sale site yesterday!! 

Just look at all of its frenchiness!

I have not one but yes TWO of these beautiful chairs!

Okay well not really beautiful in the state that they are in right now and I know I paid way more than I should have for them but I mean really who could resist!!?? They are now sitting out in the garage till they get made over cause they really were dirty nasty. I am going to make one over to keep and then sell the other one to cover my costs!

Before I go as you may or may not know Google Friends Connect is going away soon for non Bloggers. What does that mean? Well if you have a blog hosted on another site such as Wordpress you will no longer have Google Friends Connect to follow blog or to have people follow your blog. This I believe will effect you as well if you are not a blogger.

So what were we to do? Nobody knew but then some bloggers contacted Brent from Linky Tools, ya know that fabulous tool that allows us to host our fabulous link parties every week. Well Brent came up with a new tool called Linky Followers! Yes, you have to sign up and become a  member but it is FREE!!

 I am in love with it cause it allows you to organize all the blogs that you follow. Now you can mark them as General or as Favorite which I am a big fan of. There are so many blogs that we follow and it has always been hard to remember which ones were my favorites. You can also create a blog roll and feature followers with this fabulous new tool!

So if ya got a sec I would LOVE for you to Follow Me using this awesome new tool! You can click here on this widget or go to my side bar under Follow Me. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can follow back!


I will more than likely do away with the Google Friends Connect widget eventually so people don't get confused or overloaded with Follow options. I think one follow option and then email subscriptions are enough. 

Hope your weekend is going well!

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Write by: AN - Sunday, February 5, 2012

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