Obama Furniture is New Furniture and Best Design for your HOME and Office.

Newest Treasure

The Old Oak Cottage has received several beautiful new things in the past few weeks. The headboard and bedding are just a few of them.
The bedding is just dreamy as can be. 
You can customize the bedding to your liking and it is all handmade! Believe it or not though its not the bedding that caught my eye the past few weeks every time I went in to visit and check on my space. Can you guess what it was? 
It was this fabulous rustic bench that sat at the end of the bed!

There is a funny story that goes along with this bench. I have been drooling over it but never asked how much. I just knew it would be over what I would be willing to pay for it. This past Friday I asked one of the ladies that helps out if it had been priced yet and she said no. Well later that day my good friend who lives just down the road from the cottage texted me that she saw the fabulous bench and that she was thinking of getting it. Well I guess she was told that I had been asking about it and she texted back letting me know that they called the owner and it was was just $50!

$50!? Did I just read that right? I called her ASAP and she had just left there and told me that she was thinking about the bench and just wasn't sure. I told her how I had been pining over it for weeks now and never thought it would be in the range that I would be willing to pay. She said she just wasn't sure. Well I did something some may say is just awful. I called the cottage right after I got off the phone with her and told them to mark it sold. Gasp!;)

I texted my friend back and told her that it had just sold!;) She said she just laughed. Thats a true friend! She knows me well. Now don't get thinking that I am all that bad of a friend. I did let her know that there was a fabulous Pottery Barn looking bench at HomeGoods that I had actually had in my cart and put back that very same day for the same price. It actually was more of her style anyways.

So note, if you are a pal of mine DON'T call and tell me about some fabulous piece that you are THINKING about buying at a great price that you know I have looked at too cause chance are if you don't get it right then I will!;)
The Hubster says he would have never guessed that I would have loved this bench but I do. Just look at its underside! It is made from an actual log. He says it looks like it belongs in a cabin. I said no way, it totally goes with our french country charm!
I loved the spindle legs. One of the legs is actually a tad shorter than the other three but that was fine with me. It just gives it more character.
Now the one thing I didn't like about it was that it was a tad orange. That just was NOT going to work so out to the garage it came.
I decided to sand it just enough to take some of the original finish off but not all. That would have been too much work!;)
Next I busted out my Dark Walnut stain.
Here is a side by side. The left side is with just the first coat of the Walnut stain on it. The right side is the original color. 
I did this project in just under 30 minutes out in the garage in 80 degree weather with my flannel Santa pjs on. What can I say, when I get a bug in me to do something I just do it.

The bench is drying. I am hoping to bring it back in the house tomorrow and put it in its new home. More pics to come soon!:)

Hope everybody is having a fabulous long holiday weekend! Thank you to all of those who have served and are serving and to those who have given their lives to protect!

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Write by: AN - Monday, May 28, 2012

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